Brand story

Renue Robot
Use new technologies for efficient innovation
Quality Achieves Brand, Integrity Creates Future
Use new technologies for efficient innovation
Marketing network covering all provinces across the country
The "Rui" of "Rui Niu" contains the meaning of wisdom, and the "eye" implies vision and intelligence, which fits the company's intelligent arc welding robots and robot 3D vision technology. The "niu" of "Rui Niu" includes practical life, The meaning of doing things down-to-earth is to be willing to work tirelessly to overcome technical problems, and to serve customers diligently.
The pattern in the LOGO is based on the abbreviation RRT of the company's English name Renue Robot Technology. Two Rs form a pattern. R is like a herringbone, meaning two people back to back. All employees can back to back, trust and support each other, and hollow out. The T is like a welding gun, with the vision of becoming the most famous and influential robot application expert and intelligent welding system service provider in my country and even in the world. The whole pattern constitutes the image of a cow in a round sky and moves forward.

Weld tracking is no worry, Go to renue when in trouble!
ADD:Haosheng Industrial Park, Kunshan, Suzhou
TEL:0512-80171802 / 0512-80171805
PHONE:MR. 18626329319
Copyright © 2020 Suzhou Renue Robot Technology Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved 苏ICP备18033221号-1